Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Smiles

The world can be a dark and dismal place, sometimes to the point of us beginning to feel as though we are wandering down a gloomy shadowy hallway that contains no end and no light to guide us back to our happy selves, which can sometimes can lost among the chaotic ways of troubling times. 

Although this is true it also holds great beauty, a beauty that cannot be simply placed into words, a tremendous beauty that can not only be seen but deeply felt throughout each and every day if we let ourselves discover the wonders and joys that embed themselves in this earth, waiting to be found by curious souls and eager hearts. Seeing this blog is brand new I’d like to start by bringing a specific feature to it, not only to hopefully shine some light out through those dark times but to hopefully remind people that there is happiness out there, there is love and there is a beauty that cannot be described, after all that is definitely something I want this space to be about. It may range from something small to something large that can shift your opinions and thoughts while allowing you to see all of the magic we are constantly surrounded by on a day to day basis, I also may not post this feature every week but it will absolutely find itself emerging now and then. 

Today’s post is about something simple; a list, the quick one I created can be found below although there are more creative methods, I chose to type it out for my example. This is something that I always find entertaining to read when others place theirs across the internet for small reminders to themselves of things that have the power to create personal happiness, warmth in their heart and ultimately influence their mood entirely. It can contain things you may be grateful for, things you enjoy doing, what makes you happy or activities that connect you with yourself to pull you back in, when that aimless haunting wander towards that dark hallway begins. Things like this can be kept close for whenever you need them but most importantly it can be surprising how effective small reminders can be. I know for a fact that this is an exercise that I am going to be remembering for future use, you never know when things like this can come in handy.

The Happy List

- Drink Tea
- Don't bottle everything up
- Snuggle time
- Have hope & be grateful
- Remember it always works out
- Watch a movie
- Read a book all rugged up
- Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
- Listen to music
- Spend time with loved ones
- Write it out, then write some more
- Smile

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