Friday, January 11, 2013


Here is a fature that I am really looking forward to doing on this blog starting this week. I know it isn't new to combine your favorite things from the week and present them to the world but it's something I personally enjoy looking at so I thought I would begin my own. 

1. The top knot; this is my everyday hairstyle, due to it not only being so easy but also because of how glamorous it always seems to look no matter how messy. (Via Pinterest)

2. This quote resonates extremely loudly when it comes to me, it's one of the things I always want to remember in life and also one of the things I wish to put forward personally, not just now but always. Kindness, understanding, patience and a soft caring soul. (Via Tumblr)

3. Since moving to Florida I have learnt that it means the colder seasons aren't exactly cold. Winter happens to be my favorite season so until it kicks in there's nothing like frosty idyllic winter photos that express all the lovely season has to offer. (Via Tumblr)
4. This is a show that I can never get enough of. It's as simple as that. (Via Google)

5. Writing is a precious art that I hold close to my heart. Although I don't it nearly enough it's a goal of mine to start writing in a journal at least for a few minutes everyday. (Via Tumblr)

6. Sparkling lights are the perfect accent to anything, especially a stunning mirror. (Via Tumblr)

7. A fantastic idea that is brilliant for a personalized gift. (Via Bailey Doesn't Bark)

8. Beautiful and elegant. (Via Flickr)


There are some things in life that simply overwhelm you with all kinds of different emotions on a daily basis, this right here stands as one of those exact things. It's such a joyous blessing to be able to look down and know that its almost time to meet this little bundle. The past nine months have been crazy but I wouldn't change them for the world. This new adventure brings so much a long with it, more than I can contain in my little heart and soul but it's going to be great and grand, I just know it. I've never been one to post personal pictures but this is a blog after all and I intend to slowly build more and more of that aspect of my life into it.

Monday, January 7, 2013


There are certain instances when browsing the internet that we come across things that can take us by surprise, that can make us cling to them to a certain extent because of how much we truly enjoy them. This is one of those instances so of course I had to post it on this blog. When browsing on tumblr I happened to stumble across this lovely written piece, I'm not sure of who exactly wrote it but nevertheless I will link it to the listed source here. Enjoy.

"Date a girl who writes.

Date a girl who may never wear completely clean clothes, because of coffee stains and ink spills. She’ll have many problems with her closet space, and her laptop is never boring because there are so many words, so many worlds that she’s cluttered amidst the space. Tabs open filled with obscure and popular music. Interesting factoids about Catherine the Great, and the immortality of jellyfish. Laugh it off when she tells you that she forgot to clean her room, that her clothes are lost among the binders so it’ll take her longer to get ready, that her shoes hidden under the mountain of broken Bic pens and the refurbished laptop that she’s saved for ever since she was twelve.

Kiss her under the lamppost, when it’s raining. Tell her your definition of love.

Find a girl who writes. You’ll know that she has a sense of humor, a sense of empathy and kindness, and that she will dream up worlds, universes for you. She’s the one with the faintest of shadows underneath her eyelids, the one who smells of coffee and Coca-cola and jasmine green tea. You see that girl hunched over a notebook. That’s the writer. With her fingers occasionally smudged with charcoal, with ink that will travel onto your hands when you interlock your fingers with her’s. She will never stop, churning out adventures, of traitors and heroes. Darkness and light. Fear and love. That’s the writer. She can never resist filling a blank page with words, whatever the color of the page is.

She’s the girl reading while waiting for her coffee and tea. She’s the quiet girl with her music turned up loud (or impossibly quiet), separating the two of you by an ocean of crescendos and decrescendos as she’s thinking of the perfect words. If you take a peek at her cup, the tea or coffee’s already cold. She’s already forgotten it.

Use a pick-up line with her if she doesn't look to busy.

If she raises her head, offer to buy her another cup of coffee. Or of tea. She’ll repay you with stories. If she closes her laptop, give her your critique of Tolstoy, and your best theories of Hannibal and the Crossing. Tell her your characters, your dreams, and ask if she gotten through her first novel.

It is hard to date a girl who writes. But be patient with her. Give her books for her birthday, pretty notebooks for Christmas and for anniversaries, moleskin's and bookmarks and many, many books. Give her the gift of words, for writers are talkative people, and they are verbose in their thanks. Let her know that you’re behind her every step of the way, for the lines between fiction and reality are fluid.

She’ll give you a chance.

Don’t lie to her. She’ll understand the syntax behind your words. She’ll be disappointed by your lies, but a girl who writes will understand. She’ll understand that sometimes even the greatest heroes fail, and that happy endings take time, both in fiction and reality. She’s realistic. A girl who writes isn’t impatient; she will understand your flaws. She will cherish them, because a girl who writes will understand plot. She’ll understand that endings happen for better or for worst.

A girl who writes will not expect perfection from you. Her narratives are rich, her characters are multifaceted because of interesting flaws. She’ll understand that a good book does not have perfect characters; villains and tragic flaws are the salt of books. She’ll understand trouble, because it spices up her story. No author wants an invincible hero; the girl who writes will understand that you are only human.

Be her compatriot, be her darling, her love, her dream, her world.

If you find a girl who writes, keep her close. If you find her at two AM, typing furiously, the neon gaze of the light illuminating her furrowed forehead, place a blanket gently on her so that she does not catch a chill. Make her a pot of tea, and sit with her. You may lose her to her world for a few moments, but she will come back to you, brimming with treasure. You will believe in her every single time, the two of you illuminated only by the computer screen, but invincible in the darkness.

She is your Shahrazad. When you are afraid of the dark, she will guide you, her words turning into lanterns, turning into lights and stars and candles that will guide you through your darkest times. She’ll be the one to save you.

She’ll whisk you away on a hot air balloon, and you will be smitten with her. She’s mischievous, frisky, yet she’s quiet and when she has to kill off a lovely character, when she cries, hold her and tell her that it will be alright.

You will propose to her. Maybe on a boat in the ocean, maybe in a little cottage in the Appalachian Mountains. Maybe in New York City. Maybe Chicago. Baltimore. Maybe outside her publisher’s office. Because she’s radiant, wherever she goes. Maybe even outside of a cinema where the two of you kiss in the rain. She’ll say that it is overused and clichéd, but the glint in her eyes will tell you that she appreciates it all the same.

You will smile hard as she talks a mile a second, and your heart will skip a beat when she holds your hand and she will write stories of your lives together. She’ll hold you close and whisper secrets into your ears. She’s lovely, remember that. She’s self made and she’s brilliant. Her names for the children might be terrible, but you’ll be okay with that. A girl who writes will tell your children fantastical stories.

Because that is the best part about a girl who writes. She has imagination and she has courage, and it will be enough. She’ll save you in the oceans of her dreams, and she’ll be your catharsis and your 11:11. She’ll be your fire bird and she’ll be your knight, and she’ll become your world, in the curve of her smile, in the hazel of her eye the half-dimple on her face, the words that are pouring out of her, a torrent, a wave, a crescendo - so many sensations that you will be left breathless by a girl who writes.

Maybe she’s not the best at grammar, but that is okay. Date a girl who writes because you deserve it. She’s witty, she’s empathetic, enigmatic at times and she’s lovely. She’s got the most colorful life. She may be living in NYC or she may be living in a small cottage. Date a girl who writes because a girl who writes reads.

A girl who writes will understand reality. She’ll be infuriating at times, and maybe sometimes you will hate her. Sometimes she will hate you too. But a girl who writes understands human nature, and she will understand that you are weak. She will not leave on the Midnight Train the first moment that things go sour. She will understand that real life isn't like a story, because while she works in stories, she lives in reality.  

Date a girl who writes.

Because there is nothing better then a girl who writes."

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sunday Smiles

The world can be a dark and dismal place, sometimes to the point of us beginning to feel as though we are wandering down a gloomy shadowy hallway that contains no end and no light to guide us back to our happy selves, which can sometimes can lost among the chaotic ways of troubling times. 

Although this is true it also holds great beauty, a beauty that cannot be simply placed into words, a tremendous beauty that can not only be seen but deeply felt throughout each and every day if we let ourselves discover the wonders and joys that embed themselves in this earth, waiting to be found by curious souls and eager hearts. Seeing this blog is brand new I’d like to start by bringing a specific feature to it, not only to hopefully shine some light out through those dark times but to hopefully remind people that there is happiness out there, there is love and there is a beauty that cannot be described, after all that is definitely something I want this space to be about. It may range from something small to something large that can shift your opinions and thoughts while allowing you to see all of the magic we are constantly surrounded by on a day to day basis, I also may not post this feature every week but it will absolutely find itself emerging now and then. 

Today’s post is about something simple; a list, the quick one I created can be found below although there are more creative methods, I chose to type it out for my example. This is something that I always find entertaining to read when others place theirs across the internet for small reminders to themselves of things that have the power to create personal happiness, warmth in their heart and ultimately influence their mood entirely. It can contain things you may be grateful for, things you enjoy doing, what makes you happy or activities that connect you with yourself to pull you back in, when that aimless haunting wander towards that dark hallway begins. Things like this can be kept close for whenever you need them but most importantly it can be surprising how effective small reminders can be. I know for a fact that this is an exercise that I am going to be remembering for future use, you never know when things like this can come in handy.

The Happy List

- Drink Tea
- Don't bottle everything up
- Snuggle time
- Have hope & be grateful
- Remember it always works out
- Watch a movie
- Read a book all rugged up
- Chocolate, chocolate, chocolate
- Listen to music
- Spend time with loved ones
- Write it out, then write some more
- Smile

Saturday, January 5, 2013


It comes as no surprise to myself each and every time I am reminded of how much I shield my personal writing from the outside world. It's something that for some reason makes me feel extremely vulnerable as if my little soul is being thrown out into space for the entire universe to observe with skeptical eyes, an act that is going to be examined with a fierce critical magnifying glass revealing its true identity and quality.

I've never been the one to form a list of New Years Resolutions or to come up with any at all in general but this year I want to change that. I want to document, to write to down feelings, experiences and things that happen throughout the year that I not only can look back on in the future but will forever hold close to my heart. To do so this means challenging myself with my writing and ultimately challenging myself to open up as a person, disregarding my worries or insecurities that come along with doing so. 2013 is going to be a big year and I want that to be recorded, although this is only the first I believe that there should also be other goals and little resolutions built into this year, things that will allow growth and maybe even comfort when it comes to purely focusing on being the best me that I can be. Stay tuned! The image about can be found here.